Classes Questions

  1. Can my mother/aunt/sister/friend/etc… come and watch?

    Yes! Mothers (or female guardians) are welcome to come and watch from outside the pool to see the progress of your child.

  1. Are there any discounts for multiple members of the same family?

    Yes! There is a price reduction if multiple members of the same immediate family sign up. This refers to family members living together (i.e, mother, daughters, sisters).

    This will be automatically applied on the online registration page.

  2. How can I be sure the pool will be private and only accessible to females?

    We have spoken with the facility providers and they are aware of our privacy needs. The pool is reserved for only our usage during the listed times.

    Let’s work together to maintain a safe and private environment. Should you notice any potential issues, please bring it to the attention of the instructor so that it can be resolved. We also invite the help of any parents in this regard.

  3. Are changing rooms/restrooms available?

    Yes! There are changing rooms, showers, and restrooms available.

  4. I am unable to attend class on a particular day, what should I do?

    If you need to miss a class, please notify the instructor (ahead of time if possible).

    We understand and respect that religious, family, medical, etc… matters are a priority. At the same time, the nature of learning swimming requires continued practice and the lessons will build on each other. If you know you will be missing more than 1 or 2 sessions in advance, you may want to consider not registering for the current session, and instead register for the next session which better matches you schedule.

  5. I am unable to be in the water today, should I still attend class?

    Yes! Even if you’re unable to enter the water, you should come to class and follow along with the lessons from outside the water.

  6. What kind of swimsuit should I wear to class?

    Any comfortable one-piece swimsuit will work just fine. If you need further guidance in this regard please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can guide you to some of the reputable local swimming stores.

    On the first day of class, additional suggestions regarding caps and goggles will also be given.