Classes Offered

Here is a brief description of the classes* that are currently offered in a rotating fashion throughout the year:

Adult Level 1

  • We start expecting little or no swimming background, but that you are excited to learn how to swim. The goal of this class is: to become comfortable in water, learning breathing skills, practicing floating, learn flutter kicks, breast stroke kicks and learning arm strokes individually.

Adult Level 2

  • The primary focus will be to master breaststroke as a whole with both kicks and arms combined in order to swim laps with breaststroke technique. Working on flutter kicks and introducing freestyle arm strokes.

Adult Level 3

  • Focus is freestyle stroke, again practicing kicks and strokes individually first. Then we combine into a finished freestyle. Introducing diving for a start of a powerful and exhilarating swim!

Adult Level 4

  • A quick brush-up on freestyle and breaststroke if necessary, but then quickly move onto backstroke. After that, depending on the class progress we’ll introduce the basics of butterfly stroke.

Supervised Lap Swimming

  • Practice your swimming and swim laps for exercise! You must be able to demonstrate basic swimming capabilities to register for this session.


¿? Interested in a class/age group that is not offered? Gather a minimum of 5 dedicated participants and let us know what class you’d like us to offer and we’ll do our best to offer it ASAP!

*Disclaimer: Each class will be designed according to our clients abilities, therefore these descriptions may be slightly changed to reflect abilities and capabilities of each class.

5 Responses to Classes Offered

  1. Safiya says:


    When are you starting next level 1 classroom.


  2. Safiya says:

    Asalaamu alaykum,

    I would like to start level one but there is no schedule. Please let me know when the next level one will be starting.

    • Atefeh says:

      Salam Safiya,

      I will be offering another level 1 soon in May. I will post it as soon as we get a confirmation for the schedule.
      Stay tuned!!

  3. Suad says:

    I would love to register swimming class, but it is hard for me to make it on Saturday morning, is there a class for Saturday afternoo, or Thursday afternoon, please let me know?


    • Atefeh says:

      I’m happy that you’re interested in the swimming classes. Right now we only offer classes once a week Saturdays only. We used to offer classes on Saturday afternoon but since the beginning of this set of session we have changed it to Saturday mornings due to requests that we have been receiving. Saturday mornings seems to work for the majority of people thus far, but if we see a lot of requests that ask for evenings we might consider that for future class times.
      Let me know if you have any further questions, you can always send an email if you prefer!

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