
We are thankful to have a very cool online registration system:

Please click here to enter the online registration page

Upon creating an account you can add other family members as well and find a listing of available classes for their age group.  We hope you find it easy to use!

9 Responses to Registeration

  1. fatuma broady says:

    Salaam sister.

    I had just found out that that there swimming just for sisters, I hope it’s not too
    lait to register if it’s when is next class. I am not beginner.

    • Atefeh says:

      Salam Alaykum Fatuma,

      I’m glad you found us! Yes, this session has already started. I will be having another session soon! I see that you mentioned you’re not a beginner, what swimming level are you interested in?


  2. Khadra mohamed says:

    Salaam a leikoum I want to register for the swiming but it says it is closed when is it open. Thank you khadra

    • Atefeh says:

      Salam Khadra,
      Yes registration is closed, because this session has started last week. What class were you interested in?

  3. Nausheena says:

    Salaam Atefah!

    Sorry I haven’t been back to take the next level of swimming lessons. Too much going on. Anyways, we started a group in Brooklyn Park, “Brooklyn Park Islamic Center” and have been holding regular Jumah prayers and Taraweeh during Ramadan. One of the suggestions from the community was to have swimming for sisters. And I thought of you. If you are ok with it, I’m going to send your information and website in our next enewsletter.

    Let me know,

  4. Barbara Monzavi says:

    Salaam Ali Kum Hamid: Would you be so kind to lift the age limit for level 4 so Mitra can register? Thanks dear, Sr. Barb

    • Atefeh says:

      Salaam Sister Barb, Sorry about that and thanks for letting me know. I just fixed it for you so it should be working. Let me know if you have any problems with it,


      • Barbara Monzavi says:

        Salaam my dear: Thanks for doing the age deal for Mitra. We are registered!!!! See ya pool side 😉

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