Survey Results


On March 22 we sent a request feedback from the girls and sisters about a swimming club.  More exactly, it read:

…We’re working to establish a swimming club exclusive to females to have the pool available in a private environment on a regular basis enshallah. However, I was not exactly sure what time and day of the week would work the best for most people.

The plan is to have the pool available once a week for swimming laps and classes for about 2.5 hours each time. This will be a constant schedule for a longer period of months (example: from September 2012 to April 2013).

The responses are tabulated and here we share them.  In total there were 60 responses and majority went for:

  • Saturdays at 4-7pm
  • Maple Grove / Brooklyn Park Pools
  • Exercise and Laps

Check out the plots below for more details.  We are moving forward with the planning and enshallah are hoping to begin in September of this year.  Stay Tuned!

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3 Responses to Survey Results

  1. Aisha Hassan says:

    do you have any summar?

  2. Lujain Al-Khawi says:

    Assalamu Alikum Sister/s,

    I just want to start off by saying thank you for all of this. Next, I want to say that personally for me 4-7 o’cock on Saturdays is the best time for swimming. Sundays are not good for swimming because they’re at the end of the week and people need to clean their houses or prepare for the next week. Plus, most people have school the next day. Starting at 4 is also a good idea because most people are lazy on Saturday mornings or have Saturday school, like me! This is just my feedback on the time for the swimming. I know that some people might view things differently and might have different schedules. But I believe that Saturdays from 4-7 is the best time!

    Salams and Thank you

    • Ali says:

      Assalamu Alikum Sister/s,I just want to start off by saying thank you for all of this. Next, I want to say that pesrnoally for me 4-7 o’cock on Saturdays is the best time for swimming. Sundays are not good for swimming because they’re at the end of the week and people need to clean their houses or prepare for the next week. Plus, most people have school the next day. Starting at 4 is also a good idea because most people are lazy on Saturday mornings or have Saturday school, like me! This is just my feedback on the time for the swimming. I know that some people might view things differently and might have different schedules. But I believe that Saturdays from 4-7 is the best time! Salams and Thank you

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